Finding Balance in the Chaos of the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us! And as someone who loves baking, decorating, time with friends and family, holiday movies and flavored coffees - it's a season I look forward to. All the love, gratitude and holiday cheer can come with some unwelcome side-kicks though too. It's also the season of high-intensity advertising and consumerism, intense social pressure, and tricky dynamics with friends and family.

So how do we maximize the things we love and minimize the ones we don't? With intention. Opt outside. Choose quality over quantity. Fill your free time with play. 

Opt Outside: We're taking a page directly from REI's book

REI is committed to helping people tap into the joy, renewal and connection that comes from spending time outside with friends and family (read more about their #optoutside campaign here). Don't forget that you get to choose what's important to you and how you spend your time! Restore and reset with some time outside in nature and enjoy undistracted quality time with family and friends. 

Quality over Quantity: Resisting the Seduction of Advertising and Deals

Oh boy! This can be a tough one with all the incredible deals showing up in your social media feeds, in your inbox, on TV and in stores. A good deal can be hard to pass up, so before you buy take a second to reflect on these:

If you don't need it, you don't need it: This seems obvious in some ways, but if you didn't need it before you saw the deal or advertisement, you most likely don't need it period. Pause and check-in with yourself to figure out if it's a need or a want.

Shop with intention: This helps us minimize bringing home things we won't use and maybe don't even like. Give yourself a budget or a item limit to enjoy going "off-script" without going too crazy. 

Literally, quality over quantity: It's not a good deal if it falls apart, breaks or doesn't  quite do what want it to. Make long term investments when possible, they almost always save you money (and are usually better for the environment) in the end! Read this guest blog by Nancy Cullen from Granola Gran to dig into this point a little deeper.

Filling Free Time with Play

Having a break from work and your regular routine is one of the many perks of the holidays. Certainly enjoy indulging in some football, parades or whatever it is you indulge in AND don't forget there are many ways to fill your free time! The benefits of play are tremendous and they know no age limit. Games are a great way to connect with each other and keep you mentally and physically agile.

We always recommend games that are analog (old school/low-tech) - think board games, puzzles, cards, crafts. Of course outdoor play is alway encouraged too. Rain, snow or shine, though dress weather appropriate! Play capture the flag, touch football, ping pong. Build snowmen, have a snowball fight or go sledding. Go puddle jumping, investigate new streams or search for earthworms.

Weekly Challenge!

Embody Intention: Choose one of these concepts - quality over quantity, filling your free time with play, opt outside - to embody this holiday season. Really commit to it and try to hold it in your mind and act in alignment with it from now through the weekend (or longer!).


The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World


The Power of Breath